Package org.paneris.jal.model

Persistent data.


Class Summary
CSVUtil Output format (CSV) dependant formatting.
DataCache This class is a Singleton that provides access to datadictionary objects.
DBConnectionManager This class is a Singleton that provides access to one or many connection pools for databases defined in a Property file.
DDField This represents the results data for an individual Field in the database.
DDRecord A DDRecord holds data and metadata for a single record from the database it is passed into the webcontext and introspected by the template.
Email Send an email to one or more recipients.
FieldMetaData A FieldMetaData encapsulates meta data for a single field in the datadictionary.
HTMLUtil Output format (HTML) dependant formatters.
Log The minimal log.
LookupItem A LookupItem simply holds a name value pair.
RecordSet A RecordSet provides functionality that allows you to navigate a set of results.
SQLMetaData A SQLMetaData object holds the jdbc sql metadta for a column (FieldMetaData).
SystemProperties A wrapper to allow easy access to system properties.
TableMetaData A TableMetaData encapsulates meta data for a single table in the datadictionary.

Exception Summary
NoSuchFieldException Thrown by the get method of an ExtendedHash to indicate that the field did not exist in the Hash.

Package org.paneris.jal.model Description

Persistent data.

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