View Javadoc

1   package org.paneris.jal.controller;
3   import java.sql.Connection;
4   import java.sql.ResultSet;
5   import java.sql.Statement;
6   import java.util.Enumeration;
7   import java.util.Vector;
9   import org.paneris.jal.model.DBConnectionManager;
10  import org.paneris.jal.model.DDField;
11  import org.paneris.jal.model.DDRecord;
12  import org.paneris.jal.model.Log;
13  import org.paneris.jal.model.RecordSet;
14  import org.paneris.user.model.User;
15  import org.paneris.util.ExtendedHash;
16  import org.paneris.util.UniqueVector;
17  import org.webmacro.Template;
18  import org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException;
19  import org.webmacro.servlet.PanerisPage;
20  import org.webmacro.servlet.WebContext;
22  /**
23   * Handle edit, display, multiple edit of DB tables.
24   */
25  public class Admin extends PanerisPage {
27    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
28    private DBConnectionManager connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
29    private Connection conn;
30    private static Log log = new Log("Admin", "Admin Log");
31    private static final boolean debug = false;
33    /**
34     * Handle this request to administer the database
35     *
36     * @param context   the WebContext
37     * @return          a Template to be expanded
38     * @exception       org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException Cannot Connect to DB
39     * @exception       org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException Cannot find templates
40     */
41    public Template handle(WebContext context) throws HandlerException {
43      String sqlString = "";
44      String action = null;
45      String db = null;
46      String table = null;
47      String id = null;
48      Integer idInteger;
49      String templateName = null;
50      String orderby = null;
51      String ascdesc = null;
52      String resultsPerPage = null;
53      String returnURL = null;
54      String selectedid = null;
55      String selectExpression = null;
56      boolean list = false;
57      // --------------------------------
58      // Read in parameters from the form
59      // --------------------------------
61      action = context.getForm("action");
62      if (action == null) action = "tables";
63      db = context.getForm("db");
64      if (db == null)
65        throw new HandlerException("No datasource specified.");
66      else {
67        conn = connMgr.getConnection("Admin", db);
68        if (conn == null)
69          throw new HandlerException("Can't get connection: " + db);
70      }
71      table = context.getForm("table");
72      id = context.getForm("id");
73      orderby = context.getForm("orderby");
74      if (orderby == null) orderby = "id";
75      ascdesc = context.getForm("ascdesc");
76      if (ascdesc == null) 
77        ascdesc = "desc";
78      else {
79        if (ascdesc.equals("desc"))
80          ascdesc = "DESC";
81        else
82          ascdesc = "";
83      }
84      resultsPerPage = context.getForm("resultsperpage");
85      returnURL = context.getForm("returnURL");
86      selectedid = context.getForm("selectedid");
87      if (selectedid == null) selectedid = "0";
88      selectExpression = context.getForm("selectexpression");
89      if (selectExpression == null) selectExpression = "";
90      if (context.getForm("list") != null)
91        list = true;
93      // --------------------------------
94      // Choose what  function to perform
95      // --------------------------------
96      try {
97        //------------
98        // List the TABLES in a database
99        //------------
100       templateName = checkPermissions(context, table, id, action);
101       if (templateName == null) {
102         templateName = context.getForm("wmtemplate");
103         if (action.equals("tables")) {
104           if (templateName == null)
105             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationTables1.wm";
106           Statement s = conn.createStatement();
107           Vector rt = new Vector();
108           sqlString =
109             "SELECT * FROM datadictionarytables ORDER BY type, displayorder";
110           ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
111           while ( {
112             DDRecord r = new DDRecord(db, "datadictionarytables", rs);
113             rt.addElement(r);
114           }
115           context.put("results", rt);
116         }
117         //------------
118         // Get all relevant drop boxes to SELECT a set of records
119         // and perhaps LIST them or LISTEDIT them
120         //------------
121         else if (action.equals("select")) {
122           if (templateName == null && context.getForm("edit") != null)
123             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationEditList1.wm";
124           if (templateName == null)
125             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationList1.wm";
127           // need to buildQuery first because it sets the list flag
128           // Create a list of records
129           RecordSet set = null;
130           DDRecord tableRS = new DDRecord(db, table);
131           tableRS.setFromForm(context);
132           // to read the values of any select boxes
133           if (resultsPerPage == null)
134             resultsPerPage =
135               tableRS.getMetaData().getResultsPerPage().toString();
136           if (resultsPerPage.equals(""))
137             resultsPerPage = "0";
139           if (list == true || context.getForm("edit") != null) {
140             sqlString =
141               buildQuery(
142                 context,
143                 tableRS,
144                 table,
145                 orderby,
146                 ascdesc,
147                 db,
148                 selectExpression);
149             set =
150               RecordSet.getInstance(
151                 context,
152                 db,
153                 table,
154                 sqlString,
155                 new Integer(resultsPerPage),
156                 "Admin" + "." + table);
157             set.getState().put("ddtable", tableRS);
158             set.getState().put("resultsPerPage", resultsPerPage);
159             set.getState().put("ascdesc", ascdesc);
160             set.getState().put("orderby", orderby);
161           }
162           else {
163             set = RecordSet.getInstance(context, "Admin" + "." + table);
164             if (set != null) {
165               tableRS = (DDRecord)set.getState().get("ddtable");
166               resultsPerPage = (String)set.getState().get("resultsPerPage");
167               ascdesc = (String)set.getState().get("ascdesc");
168               orderby = (String)set.getState().get("orderby");
169             }
170           }
171           if (set != null) {
172             context.put("navigation", set);
173             context.put("results", set.getRows());
174           }
175           context.put(
176             "orderbydropdown",
177             getAllFieldsDropDown(tableRS, orderby));
178           context.put("ddtable", tableRS);
180         }
181         //------------
182         // Get one drop boxes to BRIEFSELECT a set of records (the "first" select box)
183         //------------
184         else if (action.equals("briefselect")) {
185           if (templateName == null)
186             templateName = "jal/view/select2.wm";
187           DDRecord tableRS = new DDRecord(db, table);
188           tableRS.setFromForm(context);
189           // to read the values of any select boxes
191           int minDO = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
192           DDField thisfield = null;
193           String reltable = "";
194           String relfield = "";
195           boolean found = false;
197           // Find the "first" (with lowest DisplayOrder) field which is used for selection
198           for (Enumeration en = tableRS.elements();
199             en.hasMoreElements();
200             ) {
201             DDField field = (DDField)en.nextElement();
202             if (field.getMetaData().getSelectDisplay()
203               && field.getMetaData().getDisplayOrder() < minDO) {
204               minDO = field.getMetaData().getDisplayOrder();
206               // Only do this if the field has a link, otherwise get the values from this
207               // field from this table
208               thisfield = field;
209               reltable = field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable();
210               relfield = field.getMetaData().getRelationshipField();
211               found = true;
212             }
213           }
215           // get the values from the reltable
216           Vector rt = new Vector();
217           if (found) {
218             sqlString =
219               "SELECT id, "
220                 + relfield
221                 + " FROM "
222                 + reltable
223                 + " ORDER BY "
224                 + relfield;
225             if (debug)
226               log.debug(sqlString);
227             Statement s = conn.createStatement();
228             ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
229             while ( {
230               ExtendedHash temp = new ExtendedHash();
231               temp.put("id", rs.getString(1).trim());
232               temp.put("value", rs.getString(2).trim());
233               rt.addElement(temp);
234             }
235             context.put("found", "true");
237           }
238           context.put("select", rt);
239           context.put("ddfield", thisfield);
240           context.put("selecttable", reltable);
241           context.put("selectfield", relfield);
242         }
243         //------------
244         // DISPLAY one record
245         //------------
246         else if (action.equals("display")) {
247           if (templateName == null)
248             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationDisplay1.wm";
249           if (id != null)
250             idInteger = new Integer(id);
251           else
252             throw new HandlerException("No id specified.");
253           DDRecord ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table, idInteger);
254           context.put("ddtable", ddTable);
255         }
256         //------------
257         // EDIT one record
258         //------------
259         else if (action.equals("edit")) {
260           // no access - check this could be a record belonging to this user
261           if (id != null)
262             idInteger = new Integer(id);
263           else
264             throw new HandlerException("No id specified.");
265           DDRecord ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table, idInteger);
266           if (templateName == null) {
267             if (table.equals("pagecontents"))
268               templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationEditPageContents1.wm";
269             else
270               templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationEdit1.wm";
271           }
272           if (id.equals("0")) {
273             ddTable.setFromForm(context);
274             ddTable.setFromDefaults();
275           }
276           else {
277             Vector links = ddTable.getLinksToThis(false, true);
278             context.put("links", links);
279           }
280           context.put("ddtable", ddTable);
281         }
282         //------------
283         // UPDATE one record
284         //------------
285         else if (action.equals("update")) {
286           if (templateName == null)
287             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationUpdate1.wm";
288           if (id != null)
289             idInteger = new Integer(id);
290           else
291             throw new HandlerException("No id specified.");
292           //                    if (id.equals("0") && returnURL != null && returnURL.indexOf("submit") == -1 && returnURL.indexOf("?") > -1)
293           //                        returnURL += "&list=1";      // so that the RecordSet is updated (not nice)
295           DDRecord ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table, idInteger);
297           // Delete the record
298           if (context.getForm("delete_button") != null) {
299             Vector links = ddTable.getLinksToThis(true);
300             if (links.isEmpty()) {
301               ddTable.delete();
302             }
303             else {
304               context.put("notDeleted", links);
305               context.put("error", "Update Failed");
306             }
307             // Update it
308           }
309           else {
310             ddTable.setFromForm(context);
311             if (context.getForm("duplicate_button") != null)
312               ddTable.setFieldValue("id", "0");
313             Vector problems = ddTable.getProblems();
314             if (problems.isEmpty()) {
315               ddTable.write();
316               // new record?
317               if (!ddTable.getFieldValue("id").equals(id)) {
318                 RecordSet set =
319                   RecordSet.getInstance(context, "Admin" + "." + table);
320                 if (set != null) {
321                   set.addElement(new Integer(ddTable.getFieldValue("id")));
322                 }
323               }
324             }
325             else {
326               context.put("problems", problems);
327               context.put("error", "Update Failed");
328             }
329           }
330           context.put("ddtable", ddTable);
331         }
333         //------------
334         // UPDATE MULTIPLE records
335         //------------
336         else if (
337           action.equals("multipleupdate")
338             && context.getForm("add_button") == null) {
339           if (templateName == null)
340             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationMultipleUpdate1.wm";
341           //                    if (returnURL != null && returnURL.indexOf("submit") == -1 && returnURL.indexOf("?") > -1)
342           //                        returnURL += "&submit=submit";      // so that the RecordSet is updated (not nice)
344           Vector results = new Vector();
345           boolean anyProbs = false;
346           String[] postfixList = context.getFormList("postfix");
347           DDRecord[] recordList = new DDRecord[postfixList.length];
349           // Iterate through the records checking them
350           for (int i = 0; i < postfixList.length; i++) {
352             DDRecord ddTable;
354             String postfix = postfixList[i];
355             boolean newRec = (postfix.lastIndexOf("New") != -1);
356             if (newRec)
357               ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table, new Integer("0"));
358             else
359               ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table, new Integer(postfix));
360             ExtendedHash record = new ExtendedHash();
361             boolean prob = false;
363             // Trying to delete the record
364             if (context.getForm("delete" + postfix) != null) {
365               if (!newRec) {
366                 Vector links = ddTable.getLinksToThis(true);
367                 if (!links.isEmpty()) {
368                   record.put("notDeleted", links);
369                   prob = true;
370                 }
371               }
372               // Try to update it
373             }
374             else {
375               ddTable.setFromForm(context, postfix);
376               Vector problems = ddTable.getProblems();
377               if (!problems.isEmpty()) {
378                 record.put("problems", problems);
379                 prob = true;
380               }
381             }
382             // Put problems in the context
383             if (prob) {
384               anyProbs = true;
385               record.put("ddtable", ddTable);
386               record.put("postfix", postfix);
387               results.addElement(record);
388             }
389             // Keep the table so we can delete/update it if necc.
390             recordList[i] = ddTable;
391           }
393           // There were problems. Don't do anything else
394           if (anyProbs) {
395             context.put(
396               "error",
397               "There were errors. No changes have been made");
398             context.put("results", results);
400             // No problems. Delete/update them
401           }
402           else {
403             for (int i = 0; i < recordList.length; i++) {
404               if (context.getForm("delete" + postfixList[i]) != null) {
405                 if (postfixList[i].lastIndexOf("New") == -1)
406                   // don't try and delete a new record
407                   recordList[i].delete();
408               }
409               else
410                 recordList[i].write();
411             }
412           }
413           context.put("ddtable", new DDRecord(db, table));
414           // to get the table name
415         }
416         //------------
417         // ADD new record to a MULTIPLE records list
418         //------------
419         else if (
420           action.equals("multipleupdate")
421             && context.getForm("add_button") != null) {
422           String currtemplate = context.getForm("currtemplate");
423           if (currtemplate != null)
424             templateName = currtemplate;
425           else
426             templateName = "jal/view/AdministrationEditList1.wm";
428           Vector results = new Vector();
429           String[] postfixList = context.getFormList("postfix");
431           context.put("ddtable", new DDRecord(db, table));
432           // to get the table name
434           // Iterate through the records reading them in
435           // Also find the highest postfix starting with New
436           // (we're expecting postfixes like New7 for new records)
437           String highest = "";
438           String current = "";
440           if (postfixList != null) {
441             for (int i = 0; i < postfixList.length; i++) {
442               String postfix = postfixList[i];
443               DDRecord ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table);
444               ddTable.setFromForm(context, postfix);
445               ddTable.put("postfix", postfix);
447               int startOfNewID = postfix.lastIndexOf("New");
448               if (startOfNewID != -1) {
449                 current = postfix.substring(startOfNewID + 3);
450                 if (current.compareTo(highest) > 0) //ID is higher
451                   highest = current;
452               }
453               results.addElement(ddTable);
454             }
455           }
456           // add a new record
457           if (highest.equals(""))
458             highest = "0";
459           int newID = new Integer(highest).intValue() + 1;
460           DDRecord ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table);
461           ddTable.setFromDefaults();
462           ddTable.setFieldValue("id", "0");
463           ddTable.put("postfix", "New" + newID);
464           results.addElement(ddTable);
466           context.put("results", results);
467         }
468       }
469       //
470       // End of actions
471       //
472     }
473     catch (Exception e) {
474       context.put("sqlstring", sqlString);
475       log.exception(e);
476       throw (HandlerException)new HandlerException(e.toString()).initCause(e);
477     }
478     finally {
479       connMgr.freeConnection(db, conn);
480     }
482     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
483     // Put all the variables into the context (maybe to go into a form)
484     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
487     context.put("db", db);
488     context.put("table", table);
489     context.put("id", id);
490     context.put("wmtemplate", templateName);
491     context.put("orderby", orderby);
492     context.put("ascdesc", ascdesc);
493     context.put("resultsperpage", resultsPerPage);
494     context.put("returnURL", returnURL);
495     context.put("selectedid", selectedid);
496     context.put("list", new Boolean(list));
497     context.put("selectexpression", selectExpression);
498     context.put("display", context.getForm("display"));
500     // return the appropriate template
501     try {
502       return (Template)context.getBroker().get("template", templateName);
503     }
504     catch (Exception e) {
505       throw new HandlerException(
506         "Problem loading template " + templateName + " : " + e.toString());
507     }
508   }
510   /**
511    * Create a list of rows which will be used to put in an 
512    * HTML select box in the template.
513    *
514    * @param tableRS   the table we are insterest in
515    * @param orderby   the current value of this dropdown
516    * @return          a vector of select box rows
517    * @exception       java.lang.Exception DB problems
518    */
519   private Vector getAllFieldsDropDown(DDRecord tableRS, String orderby)
520     throws Exception {
521     Vector orderByDropDown = new Vector();
522     for (Enumeration en = tableRS.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
523       DDField field = (DDField)en.nextElement();
524       ExtendedHash row = new ExtendedHash();
525       row.put("value", field.getMetaData().getFieldName());
526       row.put("description", field.getMetaData().getDisplayName());
527       row.put(
528         "selected",
529         checkSelected(orderby, field.getMetaData().getFieldName()));
530       orderByDropDown.addElement(row);
531     }
532     return orderByDropDown;
533   }
535   private String checkSelected(String a, String b) {
536     if ((a != null) && (b != null) && a.equals(b))
537       return "selected";
538     else
539       return "";
540   }
542   //
543   // Create a set of results depending on the values of each field in the form
544   //
545   /**
546    * Find out if any other record in the database has the relevant field set
547    * to this value.
548    * <p>It is assumed that the id of this DDField is already
549    * set to a value which we are going to use to insert this record into the
550    * DB under (which could be 0)
551    *
552    * @param field     the field we want to be unique
553    * @param value     the value we don't want to already exist for this field
554    * @return          'true' if the value already exists for this field,
555    *                  'false' otherwise
556    * @exception       java.lang.Exception DB problems
557    */
558   public String buildQuery(
559     WebContext context,
560     DDRecord tableRS,
561     String table,
562     String orderby,
563     String ascdesc,
564     String db,
565     String selectExpression)
566     throws Exception {
568     UniqueVector fromVector = new UniqueVector();
569     UniqueVector whereVector = new UniqueVector();
570     fromVector.addUniqueElement(table);
571     String orderString = "";
573     //
574     // Check each field
575     //
576     for (Enumeration en = tableRS.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
577       DDField field = (DDField)en.nextElement();
578       String currentSetting = context.getForm(field.getMetaData().getFieldName());
579       if ((currentSetting != null) && (currentSetting.equals("0")))
580         currentSetting = null;
581       if ((currentSetting != null) && (currentSetting.equals("All")))
582         currentSetting = null;
583       if ((currentSetting != null) && (currentSetting.equals("None")))
584         currentSetting = null;
585       if ((currentSetting != null) && (currentSetting.equals("")))
586         currentSetting = null;
587       //
588       // If we've selected something from a selection box
589       //
590       if (currentSetting != null) {
591         // Remember this table
592         if (field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable() != "") {
593           try {
594             Integer.parseInt(currentSetting);
595             whereVector.addUniqueElement(
596               new String(
597                 field.getMetaData().getFieldName() + "=" + currentSetting));
598             // It's not an Integer, so it must be a value in the lookup
599           }
600           catch (NumberFormatException e) {
601             fromVector.addUniqueElement(
602               new String(field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()));
603             whereVector.addUniqueElement(
604               new String(
605                 field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()
606                   + ".id = "
607                   + table
608                   + "."
609                   + field.getMetaData().getFieldName()));
610             whereVector.addUniqueElement(
611               new String(
612                 field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()
613                   + "."
614                   + field.getMetaData().getRelationshipField()
615                   + " = '"
616                   + currentSetting
617                   + "'"));
618           }
619         }
620         else {
621           if (!currentSetting.equals("")) {
622             if (connMgr.getDatabaseEngineType(db)
623               == DBConnectionManager.ACCESS) {
624               whereVector.addUniqueElement(
625                 new String(
626                   field.getMetaData().getFieldName()
627                     + " LIKE '%"
628                     + currentSetting
629                     + "%'"));
630             }
631             else {
632               whereVector.addUniqueElement(
633                 new String(
634                   field.getMetaData().getFieldName()
635                     + " ~* '"
636                     + currentSetting
637                     + "'"));
638             }
639           }
640         }
641       }
643       if (selectExpression != null && !selectExpression.equals("")) {
644         if (debug)
645           log.debug("SelectExpression:" + selectExpression + ":");
646         whereVector.addUniqueElement(selectExpression);
647       }
649       //
650       // Order By
651       //
652       if (orderby.equals(field.getMetaData().getFieldName())) {
653         if (field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable() != "") {
654           fromVector.addUniqueElement(
655             new String(field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()));
656           orderString =
657             " ORDER BY "
658               + field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()
659               + "."
660               + field.getMetaData().getRelationshipField();
661           whereVector.addUniqueElement(
662             new String(
663               field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable()
664                 + ".id = "
665                 + table
666                 + "."
667                 + field.getMetaData().getFieldName()));
668         }
669         else {
670           orderString =
671             " ORDER BY " + table + "." + field.getMetaData().getFieldName();
672         }
673       }
674     }
675     //
676     // Build up the query String
677     //
678     String sqlString = "SELECT " + table + ".* FROM " + fromVector.join(", ");
679     // make sure it uses an index!!
680     if (whereVector.isEmpty()) {
681       whereVector.addUniqueElement("id>0");
682     }
683     sqlString += " WHERE " + whereVector.join(" AND ");
684     sqlString += orderString + " " + ascdesc;
685     if (debug)
686       log.debug("sqlString: " + sqlString);
687     return sqlString;
688   }
690   private String checkPermissions(
691     WebContext context,
692     String table,
693     String id,
694     String action)
695     throws Exception {
697     String templateName = null;
699     // do a check so that we can restrict access using one resource
700     templateName =
701       User.checkLoggedIn(
702         "controller",
703         this.getClass().getName(),
704         context,
705         " access the Database Administration pages.");
706     if (templateName != null)
707       return templateName;
709     // do checks at the action level
710     if (action.equals("tables"))
711       templateName =
712         User.checkLoggedIn(
713           "controller",
714           "AdminTables",
715           context,
716           " access the Database Administration pages.");
717     if (templateName != null)
718       return templateName;
720     if (action.equals("select"))
721       templateName =
722         User.checkLoggedIn(
723           "controller",
724           "AdminSelect",
725           context,
726           " access the Database Administration pages.");
727     if (templateName != null)
728       return templateName;
730     if (action.equals("briefselect"))
731       templateName =
732         User.checkLoggedIn(
733           "controller",
734           "AdminBriefSelect",
735           context,
736           " access the Database Administration pages.");
737     if (templateName != null)
738       return templateName;
740     if (action.equals("display"))
741       templateName =
742         User.checkLoggedIn(
743           "controller",
744           "AdminDisplay",
745           context,
746           " access the Database Administration pages.");
747     if (templateName != null)
748       return templateName;
750     if (action.equals("edit"))
751       templateName =
752         User.checkLoggedIn(
753           "controller",
754           "AdminEdit",
755           context,
756           " access the Database Administration pages.");
757     if (templateName != null)
758       return templateName;
760     if (action.equals("update"))
761       templateName =
762         User.checkLoggedIn(
763           "controller",
764           "AdminUpdate",
765           context,
766           " access the Database Administration pages.");
767     if (templateName != null)
768       return templateName;
770     if (action.equals("multipleupdate"))
771       templateName =
772         User.checkLoggedIn(
773           "controller",
774           "AdminMultipleUpdate",
775           context,
776           " access the Database Administration pages.");
777     if (templateName != null)
778       return templateName;
780     // checks at table level - do we have a table?
781     if (table == null)
782       return null;
783     templateName =
784       User.checkLoggedIn("table", table, context, " access this data.");
785     if (templateName != null)
786       return templateName;
788     // checks at table edit level 
789     if (action.equals("edit")
790       || action.equals("update")
791       || action.equals("multipleupdate"))
792       templateName =
793         User.checkLoggedIn("tableedit", table, context, " edit this data.");
794     if (templateName != null)
795       return templateName;
797     // check to see if there is a restriction at the record level
798     if (id == null)
799       return null;
800     templateName =
801       User.checkLoggedIn(table, id, context, " access the This Record.");
802     if (templateName != null)
803       return templateName;
805     return null;
806   }
807 }