View Javadoc

1   package org.paneris.jal.controller;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import java.sql.Connection;
6   import java.sql.ResultSet;
7   import java.sql.Statement;
8   import java.util.Enumeration;
9   import java.util.Vector;
11  import org.paneris.jal.model.CSVUtil;
12  import org.paneris.jal.model.DBConnectionManager;
13  import org.paneris.jal.model.DDField;
14  import org.paneris.jal.model.DDRecord;
15  import org.paneris.jal.model.FieldMetaData;
16  import org.paneris.jal.model.SystemProperties;
17  import org.paneris.user.model.User;
18  import org.paneris.util.JoinVector;
19  import org.webmacro.Template;
20  import org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException;
21  import org.webmacro.servlet.WMServlet;
22  import org.webmacro.servlet.WebContext;
24  /**
25   * Export a table to a CSV file.
26   * @author  Paneris
27   * @version 0.000000000000000000000001
28   **/
29  public class Export extends WMServlet {
31    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
32      private DBConnectionManager connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
33      private Connection conn;
36  /**
37   *
38   * @return          Template 
39   * @exception       org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException Cannot Connect to DB
40   * @exception       org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException Cannot find templates
41   **/
42      public Template handle(WebContext context) throws HandlerException {
44          //
45          // Get upload path
46          //
47          String db = (String) context.getForm("db");
48          String lookups = (String) context.getForm("lookups");
49          if (db == null) {
50              throw new HandlerException("No datasource specified.");
51          } else {
52              conn = connMgr.getConnection("Upload",db);
53              if (conn == null) throw new HandlerException("Can't get connection " + db);
54          }
55          context.put("db",db);
56          String path = "";
57          try {
58              SystemProperties sp = new SystemProperties(db);
59              path = sp.getProperty("exportdir");
60          } catch (Exception e) {
61              path = connMgr.getUploadDir();
62          }
63          context.put("path",path);
65          //
66          // Read form
67          //
68          String table = (String) context.getForm("table");
69          String filename = (String) context.getForm("file");
72  // check login
73          String templateName = null;
74          try {
75              templateName = User.checkLoggedIn("controller", this.getClass().getName(), context, " access the Database Administration pages.");
76          } catch (Exception e) {
77              throw new HandlerException("Could not get user:" + e.toString());
78          }
79          if (templateName == null) {
80              templateName = (String) context.getForm("wmtemplate");
81          //
82          // input screen
83          //
84              if (table == null) {
85                  if (templateName == null) templateName = "jal/view/Export.wm";
86                  context.put("wmtemplate",templateName);
87                  try {
88                      context.put("tables", listDatadictionaryTables(db));
89                  } catch (Exception e) {
90                      throw new HandlerException(e.toString());
91                  }
92              }
93          //
94          // results screen
95          //
96              else {
97                  if (templateName == null) templateName = "jal/view/ExportResults.wm";
98                  context.put("wmtemplate",templateName);
99                  Statement  s;
100                 DDRecord ddTable;
101                 try {
102                     s = conn.createStatement();
103                     ddTable = new DDRecord(db, table);
104                 } catch (Exception e) {
105                     throw new HandlerException(e.toString());
106                 }
108             //
109             // Write the first line of the file (contains field names)
110             //
111                 String file = new String (path + filename);
112                 int lines = 0;
113                 int records = 0;
114                 PrintWriter  pw;
115                 try {
116                     pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file));
117                     JoinVector headerVector = new JoinVector();
118                     for (Enumeration en = ddTable.getMetaData().getFields().elements(); en.hasMoreElements() ;) {
119                         headerVector.addElement(CSVUtil.escapeCSV(((FieldMetaData) en.nextElement()).getFieldName()));
120                     }
121                     pw.println(headerVector.join(","));
122                     lines++;
123                 } catch (Exception e) {
124                     throw new HandlerException(e.toString() + ", line number=" + lines);
125                 }
127             //
128             // Read in and parse each line
129             //
130                 String sqlString = "SELECT id FROM " + table;
131                 try {
132                     ResultSet rs =  s.executeQuery(sqlString);
133                     while ( {
134                         DDRecord rec = new DDRecord(db,table,new Integer(rs.getInt(1)));
135                         JoinVector lineVector = new JoinVector();
136                         for (Enumeration en = rec.elements(); en.hasMoreElements() ;) {
137                             DDField field = (DDField) en.nextElement();
138                             String value = "";
139                             if (lookups == null || field.getMetaData().getRelationshipTable().equals("")) {
140                                 value = CSVUtil.escapeCSV(field.getStringValue().trim());
141                             } else {
142                                 value = field.getCSVValue().trim();
143                             }
144                             lineVector.addElement(value);
145                         }
146                         pw.println(lineVector.join(","));
147                         lines++;
148                         records++;
149                     }
150                     pw.close();
151                 } catch (Exception e) {
152                     throw new HandlerException(e.toString() + ", line number=" + lines);
153                 }
154                 context.put("records",Integer.toString(records));
155             }
156         }
158         //
159         // Done the work. Return the template
160         //
162         connMgr.freeConnection(db, conn);
163         // return the appropriate template
164         try {
165             return (Template) context.getBroker().get("template",templateName);
166         } catch (Exception e) {
167             throw new HandlerException("Could not locate template: " + templateName);
168         }
169     }
171 /**
172  * @exception java.lang.Exception Unpredicted error
173  */
174     private Vector listDatadictionaryTables(String db) throws Exception {
175         Statement s = conn.createStatement();
176         Vector rt = new Vector();
177         String sqlString = new String("SELECT * FROM datadictionarytables ORDER BY displayorder");
178         ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
179         while ( {
180             rt.addElement(new DDRecord(db, "datadictionarytables", rs));
181         }
182         return rt;
183     }
185 }