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1   package org.paneris.messageboard.model;
3   import java.sql.Connection;
4   import java.sql.ResultSet;
5   import java.sql.Statement;
7   import org.paneris.jal.model.DBConnectionManager;
8   import org.paneris.jal.model.DDField;
9   import org.paneris.jal.model.DDRecord;
10  import org.paneris.jal.model.Email;
11  import org.paneris.jal.model.SystemProperties;
12  import org.paneris.user.model.User;
13  import org.webmacro.servlet.HandlerException;
15  /**
16  * <p>A messageboard.</p>
17  *
18  **/
20  public class Board extends DDRecord {
22    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
23      private Integer messages;
24      private Integer subscribers;
25      private DBConnectionManager connMgr;
28  /**
29   * Constructor
30   *
31   * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
32   */
33      public Board(String db, ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
34          super(db,"messageboards",rs);
35          setMessages();
36      }
38  /**
39   * Constructor
40   *
41   * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
42   */
43      public Board(String db) throws Exception {
44          super(db,"messageboards");
45          setMessages();
46      }
48  /**
49   * Constructor
50   *
51   * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
52   */
53      public Board(String db, Integer record) throws Exception {
54          super(db,"messageboards",record);
55          setMessages();
56      }
58  /**
59   *
60   * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
61   */
62      private void setMessages() throws Exception {
63          connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
64          Connection conn = connMgr.getConnection("Board",database);
65          Statement s = conn.createStatement();
66          DDField idField = (DDField) get("id");
67          String sqlString = new String("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE board = " + (Integer)idField.getValue());
68          ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
70          messages = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
71          sqlString = new String("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usersboards WHERE board = " + (Integer)idField.getValue());
72          rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
74          subscribers = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
75          connMgr.freeConnection(database, conn);
76      }
78      public Integer getMessages() {
79          return messages;
80      }
82      public Integer getSubscribers() {
83          return subscribers;
84      }
86      public String getServletURL() {
87          String surl = "";
88          try {
89              SystemProperties sp = new SystemProperties(database);
90              surl = sp.getProperty("servleturl");
91          } catch (Exception e) {
92           ; // Apparently we are happy to ignore this - FIXME
93          }
94          return surl;
95      }
97      public String getMessageboardURL() {
98          return getServletURL() + "MessageBoard?db=" + database + "&messageboard=" + getFieldValue("id");
99      }
100     public String getUnsubscribeURL() {
101         return getServletURL() + "Subscribe?subscribe=false&db=" + database + "&board=" + getFieldValue("id") + "&message=unsubscribe";
102     }
104     public String getMessageURL(String id) {
105         return getServletURL() + "MessagePage?db=" + database + "&messageboard=" + getFieldValue("id") + "&id=" + id;
106     }
108     public String getMessageboardEmail() {
109         String murl = "";
110         try {
111             SystemProperties sp = new SystemProperties(database);
112             murl = sp.getProperty("messageboardurl");
113         } catch (Exception e) {
114             murl = "";
115         }
116         return getFieldValue("name").trim() + "@" + murl;
117     }
119     public static Integer getLurkerBoard(String db) {
120         Integer lurk = new Integer(0);
121         try {
122             SystemProperties sp = new SystemProperties(db);
123             lurk = new Integer(sp.getProperty("lurkerboard"));
124         } catch (Exception e) {
125           ; // ignore if not found
126         }
127         return lurk;
128     }
132 /**
133  * Subscribe this user to this board.
134  *
135  * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
136  */
137     public void subscribe(User user) throws Exception {
138         if (!isSubscribed(user)) {
139             connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
140             Connection conn = connMgr.getConnection("board",database);
141             Statement s = conn.createStatement();
142             DDField boardId = (DDField) get("id");
143             DDField userId = (DDField) user.get("id");
144             String sqlString = new String("INSERT INTO usersboards (username, board) VALUES (" + (Integer)userId.getValue() + "," + (Integer)boardId.getValue() + ")");
145             try {
146                 s.executeUpdate(sqlString);
147             } catch (Exception e) {
148                 throw new HandlerException("Failed to subscribe user " + (Integer)userId.getValue() + " to board " + (Integer)boardId.getValue() + " because:" + e.toString() + " sqlString: " + sqlString);
149             }
150             // now inform the user that they have been subscribed, also (optionally) inform another messageboard
151             User systemuser = User.getSystemUser(database);
152             String message = "Thank you for subscribing to the " + getFieldValue("description").trim() + " messageboard.";
153             message += "\n\nTo post to this board, simply email " + getMessageboardEmail();
154             message += "\n\nYou can access the " + getFieldValue("description").trim() + " messageboard online at";
155             message += "\n" + getMessageboardURL();
156             message += "\nWhere you can read the archive, post messages and unsubscribe.";
157             if (!getFieldValue("charter").trim().equals("")) {
158                 message += "\n\nBoard Charter:\n " + getFieldValue("charter").trim();
159             }
160             Email.send(database, systemuser.getFieldValue("email"), user.getFieldValue("email"), "", "Welcome to the " + getFieldValue("description").trim() + " messageboard", message);
161             //
162             // now inform lurker
163             Message m = new Message(database);
164             message = "A new user has joined the " + getFieldValue("description").trim() + " messageboard.";
165             message += "\n" + getMessageboardURL();
166             message += "\n\nTheir details are:";
167             message += "\nName: " + user.getFieldValue("username");
168             message += "\nEmail: " + user.getFieldValue("email");
169             m.setFieldValue("message", message);
170             m.setFieldValue("parent", "0");
171             m.setFieldValue("subject", "New Subscriber");
172             m.setFieldValue("board", getLurkerBoard(database));
173             if (systemuser != null) {
174                 m.setFieldValue("author", systemuser.getFieldValue("id"));
175             }
176             m.write();
177             m.distribute();
178             connMgr.freeConnection(database, conn);
179         }
180     }
182 /**
183  * Unsubscribe us  from this board
184  *
185  * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
186 **/
187     public void unSubscribe(User user) throws Exception {
188         if (isSubscribed(user)) {
189             connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
190             Connection conn = connMgr.getConnection("Board",database);
191             Statement s = conn.createStatement();
192             DDField boardId = (DDField) get("id");
193             DDField userId = (DDField) user.get("id");
194             String sqlString = new String("DELETE FROM usersboards WHERE username = " + (Integer)userId.getValue() + " AND board = " + (Integer)boardId.getValue());
195             try {
196                 s.executeUpdate(sqlString);
197             } catch (Exception e) {
198                 throw new HandlerException("Failed to unSubscribe user " + (Integer)userId.getValue() + " to board " + (Integer)boardId.getValue() + " because:" + e.toString() + " sqlString: " + sqlString);
199             }
200             //
201             // now inform lurker
202             Message m = new Message(database);
203             User systemuser = User.getSystemUser(database);
204             String message = "A user has unsubscribed from the " + getFieldValue("description").trim() + " messageboard.";
205             message += "\n\nTheir details are:";
206             message += "\nName: " + user.getFieldValue("username");
207             message += "\nEmail: " + user.getFieldValue("email");
208             m.setFieldValue("message", message);
209             m.setFieldValue("parent", "0");
210             m.setFieldValue("subject", "Unsubscriber");
211             m.setFieldValue("board", getLurkerBoard(database));
212             if (systemuser != null) {
213                 m.setFieldValue("author", systemuser.getFieldValue("id"));
214             }
215             m.write();
216             m.distribute();
217             connMgr.freeConnection(database, conn);
218         }
219     }
222 /**
223  * Is this user subscribed to this board?
224  *
225  * @exception    java.lang.Exception If somthing fails
226 **/
227     public boolean isSubscribed(User user) throws Exception {
228         connMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
229         Connection conn = connMgr.getConnection("Board",database);
230         Statement s = conn.createStatement();
231         DDField boardId = (DDField) get("id");
232         DDField userId = (DDField) user.get("id");
233         String sqlString = new String("SELECT id FROM usersboards WHERE username = " + (Integer)userId.getValue() + " AND board = " + (Integer)boardId.getValue());
234         try {
235             ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
236             if ( {
237                 connMgr.freeConnection(database, conn);
238                 return true;
239             }
240        } catch (Exception e) {
241            throw new HandlerException("Failed to determin if user " + (Integer)userId.getValue() + " is subscribed to board " + (Integer)boardId.getValue() + " because:" + e.toString() + " sqlString: " + sqlString);
242        }
243        connMgr.freeConnection(database, conn);
244        return false;
245     }
246 }