PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 4.1.



Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 110
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 228
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 496


Violation Line
Avoid empty if statements 251 - 253
Avoid empty if statements 428 - 429


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 132
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 178


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 125
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 153


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 47


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 182
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 258


Violation Line
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 279
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 562


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 439
These nested if statements could be combined 469 - 474


Violation Line
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 187
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 322
These nested if statements could be combined 389 - 393
These nested if statements could be combined 427 - 429
These nested if statements could be combined 514 - 549
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 581
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 588
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 718
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 782
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 791


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 53
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 67


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 212
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 496
Avoid empty if statements 721
Avoid empty if statements 722
Avoid empty if statements 723


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 102
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 300
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 313


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 113


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 83
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 115
These nested if statements could be combined 200 - 203


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 89


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 52


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 83 - 85


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 53


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 67 - 69


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 118 - 122


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 68
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 92
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 125


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 75
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 216


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 49


Violation Line
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 148


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 165
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 209


Violation Line
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 109
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 287


Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 47


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 59 - 61
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 100
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 112


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 38 - 41
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 66


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 37
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 56
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 68


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 138 - 142
These nested if statements could be combined 139 - 141
These nested if statements could be combined 175 - 178
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 244
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 261
These nested if statements could be combined 263 - 266
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 297
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 334
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 342
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 400
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 432
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 438


Violation Line
Avoid empty catch blocks 57


Violation Line
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 25
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 30


Violation Line
These nested if statements could be combined 19 - 21


Violation Line
Avoid empty catch blocks 564 - 567
An empty statement (semicolon) not part of a loop 815